
Catalog No.Plate TypePrice/Plate
301-NVFood M in narrow vials, 100s/tray$55.00buy now
302-WVFood M in wide vials, 100s/tray$60.00buy now
303-BTFood M in 25 square-bottom bottles/tray$60.00buy now
304-NVPFood M in narrow vials, 100s/tray, with BuzzPlugs$68.00buy now
305-WVPFood M in wide vials, 100s/tray, with BuzzPlugs$68.00buy now
306-BTPFood M in 25 square-bottom bottles/tray, with BuzzPlugs$68.00buy now
307-NVAFood M w/ Ampicillin 100ug/ml, in narrow vials, 100s/tray$65.00buy now
308-WVAFood M w/ Ampicillin 100ug/ml, in wide vials, 100s/tray$60.00buy now
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